Javier de Lucas presents his new book on the refugee crisis in Europe
In the last years, the Mediterranean has become one of the world's most dangerous borders. Its waters have witnessed the loss of thousands of human lives, not only those of immigrants in search of work and a better life but also and increasingly those of people fleeing different kinds of persecution. While African countries bear the burden of solidarity and European politicians bargain their refugee quotas, is there any alternative for migration and asylum policy? Professor Javier de Lucas, pioneering researcher on migration and human rights, tackles these issues in the book Mediterráneo: El naufragio de Europa [Mediterranean: The wrecking of Europe] (Tirant lo Blanch, 2015), which will be presented on 24 September at 8pm, at Valencia's Bar Association (16 Plaza de Tetuán). Joan Romero, professor of Geography at the University of Valencia, and Sami Naïr, professor of Political Science at the Sorbonne, will also participate in the event.
Multihuri participates in the VIII Conference on international migrations in Spain
Four members of the research project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts" will take part in the VIII Conference on international migrations in Spain, held at the University of Granada on 16-18 September. This meeting has taken place in various Spanish cities since 1997 and seeks to contribute to the consolidation of research groups with the capacity to bridge disciplinary divides. The presentations will address the human rights dimension of conflicts about the Islamic veil (Ángeles Solanes), the presence of stereotypes in the regulation of family migration (Encarnación La Spina), the mediation of conflicts arising from the creation of prayer rooms (Albert Mora) and the transnational dimension of anti-racist policies (Pier-Luc Dupont). For more information about the conference, click here.
II International conference on cultural diversity and conflicts in the EU
On 15-16 October 2015, Paris Sorbonne University (France) will host the II International conference on cultural diversity and conflicts in the European Union, as part of the research project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts". As in its first edition, held at Valencia University on 2-3 October 2014, the conference will provide an opportunity to analyse the current political, social and legal challenges posed by cultural diversity and the conflicts associated to it in the EU. In particular, presentations will address the public or private dimension of such conflicts, as well as the emergence of new collective identities and the discriminatory policies implemented by European states.
Summer course on participation, citizenship and rights in multicultural societies
Angeles Solanes and Albert Mora will impart a course on "Participation, citizenship and rights in multicultural societies" as part of the Gandia Summer University, on 23-24 July 2015. This training will address the role of citizens' participation in promoting interculturalism, claiming rights and fighting discrimination. The course will cost 20€ for a total duration of 10 hours. For more information and inscriptions, click here.