Albert Mora interviene en el programa "Al Ras" de À Punt Ràdio
Albert Mora, profesor de sociología en la Universitat de València e investigador del proyecto MULTIHURI en el Instituto de Derechos Humanos, participó en el programa “Al Ras” de À Punt Ràdio, celebrando el Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural.
Presentación del libro "Mediación intercultural y gestión de la diversidad. Herramientas para la promoción de una convivencia pacífica"
El jueves 31 de mayo a las 18:30 tendrá lugar en la Sala Muralla del Colegio Mayor Rector Peset el acto del presentación del libro colectivo "Mediación intercultural y gestión de la diversidad. Herramientas para la promoción de una convivencia pacífica", editaro por Albert Mora, profesor de sociología en la Universidad de Valencia e investigador del proyecto MULTIHURI en el Instituto de Derechos Humanos. Dicho libro se configura como una guía para todas aquellas personas que desean conocer las principales claves del proyecto de construcción de la interculturalidad desde el ejercicio de la mediación y la promoción de derechos.
Publication of the proceedings of the III MULTIHURI International conference
On 1-2 June 2017, the University of Valencia Human Rights Institute organised the III MULTIHURI International conference on human rights, diversity and conviviality, in the framework of the research project "Diversity and conviviality: Human rights as guidelines for action". On that occasion, several researchers presented papers on pressing issues such as cultural and religious discrimination, the social rights of foreigners, the vulnerability of asylum seekers and recent immigrants, as well as transnational activism. Their contributions are now available to the public in the proceedings edited by the conference director, Ángeles Solanes Corella. According to the professor, the texts "illustrate the richness and complementarity of the approaches and methods presented by the participants. Combining legal, political, sociological and philosophical perspectives, each brings a vision to the common project of reforming institutions to guarantee the rights of the subordinated in the era of economic globalisation and the migratory flows in entails". To download the volume in pdf format, click here.
Taking stock of the III MULTIHURI International conference on human rights, diversity and conviviality
The III International conference organised by the MULTIHURI research team, focusing on human rights issues in the area of cultural identities, racism, health, education and gender equality, was held at the University of Valencia Law Faculty on 1-2 June 2017. Reflecting the academic and social relevance of the event, over 30 researchers presented communications and posters and another 30 participants joined in to listen to and debate with some 20 prestigious Spanish and international speakers. Recordings of the presentations are available in the "video" section; full texts of some communications will follow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, a selection of the best pictures is displayed below.