On the occasion of the celebration of the I MULTIHURI Seminar Cycle at the University of Valencia, the research group of the MULTIHURI project aims to create a space for debate on the problems posed by xenophobia and racism for the integration of racialized groups or displaced persons during times of populist nativism resurgence. The submitted papers will undergo a peer-review process and, if accepted, will subsequently be included in a publication with ISSN available online and open access.

The topics of the seminars for which papers may be submitted are as follows:

- Racist hate speech on social media.
- Racial discrimination in access to housing.
- Racism and power.
- Labor market and immigration: obstacles to integration.
- Inequality in access to healthcare for the migrant population

Deadline for paper submission: May 31, 2025.

Email for paper submission: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The text should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 6 points before and after spacing, 1.5 line spacing, and no indentation. All sections should be numbered as follows:

        1. Section

             1.1. Subsection

                    1.1.1. Sub-subsection

For footnotes, Times New Roman font, size 10, with 6 points before and after spacing, and single line spacing should be used. For the bibliography section, Times New Roman font, size 11, with 6 points before and after spacing, and 1.5 line spacing. Authors' surnames and names must always be included.


The minimum length of the texts should be 7500 words and the first page must include the following:

  • Title (in Spanish and English).
  • Author identification details, including institutional affiliation and position
  • Abstract (in Spanish and English): maximum 100 words.
  • Keywords (in Spanish and English): between 3 and 5.
  • Table of contents.

Regarding the citation and bibliography format, in-text citations should be indicated as follows: (Surname, year: page). If there are more than three authors, include only one surname followed by et al.: (Surname et al., year: page).

In the bibliography section, use the following structure:

1. Book/Monograph

Surname(s), Name (year). Title of the work. City, Publisher.

2. Book chapter

Surname(s), Name (year). "Title of the book chapter," in Surname, Name (ed. or coord.), Title of the work. City, Publisher, pp. xx-xx.

3. Journal article

Surname(s), Name (year). "Title of the article," Name of the journal, volume(number), xx-xx. DOI.

4. Reports

Surname(s), Name (year). Title of the report. City, Publisher/Organization. 

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