Sami Naïr and Javier de Lucas inaugurate the III International MULTIHURI Conference on human rights, diversity and conviviality
On Thursday 1 June, a joint conference by Sami Naïr and Javier de Lucas will open the III International MULTIHURI conference on human rights, diversity and conviviality, to be held at the University of Valencia Law Faculty. Both professors will reflect on the limits of politics and law regarding the recognition of identities. During two days, some 40 speakers will explore issues related to cultural identities, racism and xenophobia, the right to health and education, as well as the relationship between gender and diversity. As explained by Ángeles Solanes, researcher at the University of Valencia Human Rights Institute and director of the conference, "the deficient governance of cultural, including religious, difference creates divisions whose long-term consequences range from racism and xenophobia to terrorist actions". In order to avoid a civilisational regression based on inequality, "it is essential to reflect on how to build a model of peaceful conviviality in pluralistic, diverse societies marked by the impact of migratory flows". An inescapable guide in this endeavour is the "strict respect for human rights, understood from their international standards and the basic principles of the rule of law and democracy". For more information, click here.