The Human Rights Observatory and the Legal Clinic of Valladolid University organises, in collaboration with the Multihuri project, a conference on feminism and cultural diversity, which will take place at the Law Faculty on 26-27 November. The meeting will be open to the public and offer a variety of perspectives on the situation of minority women in Europe. The analyses of invited professors will be combined with voices from specialised NGOs such as Fundación Secretariado Gitano, ACCEM and Amnesty International. To register, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 25 November, specifying name, ID and Faculty.

The Age of Rights Network (Red Tiempo de los Derechos), made up of 15 leading Spanish groups of human rights researchers, teachers and promoters, organised its second conference at University of Zaragoza, on 29-30 October. The Multihuri team was represented by Javier de Lucas, in charge of a keynote speech on "Social rights, justice and exclusion. A commentary on Honneth", as well as by Letizia Mancini, who analysed the new manifestations of the tension between security and rights. Ángeles Solanes offered a paper on corporate social responsibility and human rights and Encarnación La Spina, on the protection of the right to family life in a context of migration crisis.

On 15-16 October, participants in the R&D project "Human rights, multicultural societies and conflicts" met with other French, Spanish and British researchers in order to share the results obtained over the past three years and explore new areas of interdisciplinary analysis. The II International conference on cultural diversity and conflicts in the EU, held at Paris Sorbonne University, generated fruitful debates around the regulation of private relationships, the negotiation of public institutions, the redefinition of national identities and the fight against discrimination. Here is a brief overview of the interventions.

In the last years, the Mediterranean has become one of the world's most dangerous borders. Its waters have witnessed the loss of thousands of human lives, not only those of immigrants in search of work and a better life but also and increasingly those of people fleeing different kinds of persecution. While African countries bear the burden of solidarity and European politicians bargain their refugee quotas, is there any alternative for migration and asylum policy? Professor Javier de Lucas, pioneering researcher on migration and human rights, tackles these issues in the book Mediterráneo: El naufragio de Europa [Mediterranean: The wrecking of Europe] (Tirant lo Blanch, 2015), which will be presented on 24 September at 8pm, at Valencia's Bar Association (16 Plaza de Tetuán). Joan Romero, professor of Geography at the University of Valencia, and Sami Naïr, professor of Political Science at the Sorbonne, will also participate in the event.

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